Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This and That...

I'm happy to report that this month seems to hold marked improvements. Joseph and I are communicating much better and more frequently than we had in the recent past. We also are reading Sacred Marriage for a study group on Wednesday nights. Lastly, (and though I hate to admit that this is something I have never attempted before) I have decided to start reading the Bible - beginning to end.

The first week of this year was a pretty nasty one for me, but also included a couple of breakthroughs which have been a great blessing and I pray they continue.

As for Sacred Marriage, I am really enjoying it and am also happy to report I have stayed on top of my reading. This is a new and wonderful thing for me! I am finally making some VERY small steps toward a better ME. I am so glad I ordered the audio version of the book as well for Joseph to listen to, he is really surprising me lately and I hope that continues as well.

As for me and reading the Bible. I know, I know. It's crazy. I mean, I'm sure you would assume that I had already at least tackled this, even if I had not completed it. But the truth is, I have never set out to read it from beginning to end because I didn't want to fail at it. It's one thing to stop reading some random book, no matter how much I enjoyed it. But it would be a much larger deal to me to just decide I didn't want to finish once I start THE BOOK. I am happy to say that while I am not on any "plan" and haven't read in a couple of days, I still have the desire to and plan to read a few more chapters tonight. I feel kind of lame that I'm so excited about this, but it has been a long time since I have thought enough of myself to even consider this task. It's a glimpse of someone I use to be and still am deep down.

I am trying to set up some small routines (though there are many LARGE ones I want in place - but BABY steps Baby steps people!) and one is reading to Grace at night. I have always wanted to do this. It's something that as a child I would have loved but my parents never regularly did. So, I got out Grace's story Bible and we started with Cain and Able and are all the way to Moses. She loves it and I hope I continue to do it with her.

Anyway. I guess that's all I have for now. Baby steps. Be praying for me and the family.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for following my blog! I think it is good that you are not following a "plan" for reading the Bible. It lessens the pressure and allows you to take your time and take comfort in God's word. Good luck!
